Vsebino na spletni strani smo pripravili s pomočjo sledečih virov:
- Gendlin E.T. (1982). Focusing. New York. Bantam Dell.
- Gendlin E.T. (1998). Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Manual Of The Experiential Method. New York. Guilford Publications.
- Frederick A. in Levine P. A. (2015). Kako prebuditi tigra: Zdravljenje travm. Ljubljana. V.B.Z..
- Stapert M. in Verliefde E. (2008). Focusing with Children: The Art of Communicating with Children at School and at Home. Manchester. Pccs Books.
- Toriggia Luisa (2013). Učno gradivo za fokusing osnovno stopnjo [interno učno gradivo].
- Toriggia Luisa (2014). Učno gradivo za fokusing nadaljevalno stopnjo [interno učno gradivo].
- Weiser Cornell A. (1996). The Power of Focusing: Finding Your Inner Voice. Oakland. New Harbinger Publications.
- Weiser Cornell A. (2013). Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change. New York. WW Norton & Co.